AMS360 Integration Setup Instructions


The AMS360 integration requires setup in two places:

  1. AMS360 Admin Section

    1. WSAPI API User

    2. Subscribe to Ascend App

  2. Ascend Dashboard Settings

AMS360 Admin Section

There are two steps required here in AMS360:

  1. Create the Web Service Application Authorization (WSAPI API user)

  2. Install the Ascend integration to your AMS360 account.

WSAPI API User (AMS360 Admin Settings)

  • Go to Administration -> General -> Web Service API

  • In the popup window under Web Service Application Authorization click New

  • In the new section,

    • Fill WSAPI Login ID as ASC

    • Create your own secure password and cverify on the next line (you will need to enter this in Ascend)

      • sample password: Ascend2023

    • On the right, set Data Security Based on to Entity Access Security Only

    • Under Entity Access, click Check All

    • Once completed, click Add at the top

Subscribe to Ascend app (AMS360 Admin Settings)

  • Go to Administration -> General -> Application Catalog

  • Find Ascend under Available Applications and click Subscribe

  • Click New and fill out the following information:

    • Username: Ascend

    • Shortname: ASC

    • New Business Unit Group Access: First option (All)

    • Application key: Click "Add"

  • ClickSubscribe in the bottom right

  • Click Edit

  • Click the eyeball icon and copy the application key, this will be used in Ascend

  • Select Cancel and then Save and Close

Ascend Dashboard Settings

  • Visit the integrations page of your Ascend organization settings

  • Select Learn More under AMS360

  • Add the following information from your AMS360 Account

    • Agency number: (this should end in -01)

    • Username: ASC

    • Password: Ascend2023 (or the password you selected)

    • Application key: copy and paste from steps above

Once these steps are completed, you will be ready to begin using the integration.

Using the AMS360 Integration

Once you've installed the integration using the steps above, you are ready to begin using it. Please follow these instructions.