Payment Method: Check


What You'll Learn

  • When paper checks are option for insured payment

  • Processing timelines for check payments

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check payment method

Ascend's available payment methods now at times include check payments, in addition to ACH, card, and wire.

While we encourage the other payment method types because of their higher reliability and much quicker processing timelines, check payments can be turned on for your insureds as a payment method at an additional cost to your organization.

NOTE: If your agency does not have check approved and turned ON as a payment method, checks sent by your insureds will not be cashed or applied to payments.

Processing time for check payments

The processing time for check payments varies greatly since it is partially reliant on the mail arriving within a certain amount of time.

We recommend insureds allow up to 2-3 weeks for the check to be mailed and received. This does not include processing time once Ascend receives the check.

NOTE: Ascend is not responsible for issues caused by checks delayed or lost in the mail, specifically with regards to funding carriers, avoiding cancellation, or reinstating a program.

The insured is responsible for sending the check to the correct location for the correct amount and allowing enough time for the entire process to avoid issues with their coverage.

Processing Timeline

Once the check is received, there is a 7 calendar day check processing period. During this time, the check payment could fail. For this reason, Ascend does not consider an installment or invoice as paid until the check is fully processed. There are no exceptions made to this timeline and it cannot be expedited by request.

Late Fees

If check is not received at our office by the date that the late fee is incurred, the late fee will be added to the following installment invoice amount. There is no exception for this policy and the insured's check mailed date is not taken into account.

If check is not received at our office by the date that, the late fee will be added to the following installment invoice amount.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we waive the late fee? The insured mailed the check before it was applied.

If check is not received at our office by the date that the late fee is incurred, the late fee will be added to the following installment invoice amount. There is no exception for this policy and the insured's check mailed date is not taken into account.

If check is not received at our office by the date that, the late fee will be added to the following installment invoice amount.

Can we hold cancellation? The insured mailed the check before the cancellation date.

No, Ascend won’t hold cancellation on programs where check payments have not been received to the Ascend office, even if the insured can provide proof that the check was mailed.

If check is not received at our office by the pending cancelation date, the program will cancel and a reinstatement will be initiated once payment is received.

My insured forgot to include the check transaction fee. What do we do now?

There are 2 options here:

  1. Your agency covers the insured's check fee and the check payment can be applied to the insured's invoice due.

  2. The insured issues another payment to cover the transaction fee.

NOTE: Ascend will not cover the insured's transaction fee in the case that the insured fails to include this in their total payment amount.

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