Automated Invoicing


What You'll Learn

  • What is Ascend's Automated Invoicing feature?

  • How to use automated invoicing to upload policies/quotes into the Ascend dashboard

Ascend's Automated Invoicing

This process automatically locates policy/quote details like premium, fees, taxes, commission, etc. from a quote, invoice, or binder document.

Our system uses AI to scan the document and auto-fill the values it is able to locate within the uploaded document, most commonly, premium, fees, taxes, and commissions.

NOTE: The agency users are responsible for checking all fields that are pre-filled to confirm accuracy. Ascend is not responsible for incorrect values pulled from documents using the Automated Invoicing process.

Automated invoicing will help your team avoid funding issues caused by manual data entry and reduce the amount of time it takes to input quotes/policies into Ascend.

The automated invoicing feature can be enabled for your agency's Ascend workspace by sending a request to

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Click +New program on the homepage here to start the program creation process

  2. Select the Producer and Account Manager for the program

  3. Under the Customer section, click the Import invoice button in the right corner of the section

  4. Upload a quote doc, invoice doc, or binder doc, and click Begin import

    • You can add 1 document that has multiple quotes OR you can add multiple docs and we'll create multiple quotes

    • NOTE: The max file size allowed is 10MB. If you have a document larger than 10MB, please reduce the size or remove pages, and re-upload.

  5. Enter the Contact details

  6. Scroll to the Quote section, and confirm all details are properly filled in.
    NOTE: The agency users are responsible for checking all fields that are pre-filled to confirm accuracy. Ascend is not responsible for incorrect values pulled from documents using the Automated Invoicing process.

  7. Confirm the minimum earned rate, agency fee, commission, and all other fields

  8. Click Save program

Note: You can add 1 document that has multiple quotes OR you can add multiple docs and we'll create multiple quotes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to double check the quote details that were automatically filled before saving the program?

Yes, the agency users are responsible for checking all fields that are pre-filled to confirm accuracy. Ascend is not responsible for incorrect values pulled from documents using the Automated Invoicing process.

Why won't my file upload?

In order to be uploaded successfully, files must be:

  • 10MB or less in size

  • PDF document type

Can I upload multiple documents at the same time to make multiple quotes?

Yes, you can add 1 document that has multiple quotes OR you can add multiple docs and we'll create multiple quotes.

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