HawkSoft Integration


Integration Set Up

To install the HawkSoft Integration, you will need to do 3 things:

  1. Subscribe to the Ascend app in the HawkSoft marketplace.

    1. In HawkSoft, click the Gear Icon in the top right corner, and select Marketplace from the dropdown menu.

  2. Add your HawkSoft Agency ID into Ascend

  3. Start the initial import of data from HawkSoft into Ascend

You can do so here.

Note: your HawkSoft Agency ID can be found on the login window.

  1. Update your HawkSoft Agency ID into Ascend Dashboard at https://dashboard.useascend.com/settings/integrations

Using the Integration

How to create a program in Ascend from HawkSoft

  1. Click the +New Program button from the Ascend programs homepage here

  2. Click the Import from HawkSoft button in the right corner of the Customer section

  3. Type in the insured's name or business name into the search field and select the customer from the dropdown, then select which policy(s) you'd like to import to the program

    • A policy must be Agency Bill and not be expired to be pulled into the policy list in Ascend

  4. The customer's info should auto-populate, along with some policy/quote details

  5. Verify the policy details are accurate, and enter the remaining required info that doesn't auto-populate from HawkSoft:

    • Minimum earned rate

  6. Once all details are confirmed to be accurate, click the Save program button

Your program is now ready to send the payment link to the customer!

Field Mapping from HawkSoft to Ascend

Insured Information

Insured and business information is pulled from the Name and Address section in HawkSoft. The fields that we pull to create the Ascend program are:

  • Insured Name

  • Insured Business Name

  • Mailing Address

  • Phone

  • Email

Policy Information

Policy information is pulled from the General Policy Information section in HawkSoft. The fields that we pull to create the Ascend program are:

  • Writing Company

  • Billing Company

  • Policy Number

  • Line of Business

  • Effective Date

  • Expiration Date

  • Quote Premium

  • Fees

Contact Us

Need more help? Contact us at support@useascend.com for more help.