Customer Experience: Agency Branding on Ascend Emails


What You'll Learn

  • The insured experience on Ascend's automated emails

  • How to view program-related emails sent to your insured

  • How to update your agency's brand (logo & accent color)

Your Insured's View of Emails from Ascend

As part of your agency's setup, you can add your agency's logo and accent color (HEX) to show on the emails sent from Ascend to your insureds.

To add or update these for your agency, go to the Customer Experience page in the Settings section here.

When updating your agency branding details, you'll see a preview of what the email branding will look like when sent to your insureds.

View Program Email Sent to Insureds

A record of all email communications that Ascend has sent to your insured for this program is published in the Communications section at the bottom of the program page.

To preview a copy of the email your customer received, click on the title of the email row and the email preview will open up in a new tab. If your browser has pop-up blockers enabled, you may have difficulty opening email previews.

Date Sent and Date Opened timestamps are published alongside the email subject:

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