Program Email Communications


What You'll Learn

  • A walk-through of program-related emails to Insureds

  • A walk-through of program-related emails to the agency Account Manager

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Insured Email Notifications

Each email is described below. Visual email flow to insureds on programs, split by autopay ON (top flow) and autopay OFF (bottom flow):

Autopay ON Email Reminder

Sent to insured with autopay ON three days before the payment due date as a reminder of the upcoming payment.

Autopay OFF Payment Reminder Email

Sent to insured without autopay as a reminder of upcoming paymenton days 20, 7, 3, 2, 1, and 0 before invoice due date.

Processing payment (ACH only)

Sent to insured immediately after ACH transaction initiated payment.

Overdue Notice

Sent to insured daily after a late payment.

Frequently Asked Questions - Insured Emails

Is the insured notified of late fees by email?

Yes, the overdue email reminder gives a heads-up to the customer days before any late fee is applied, along with the amount of the late fee and the date it will be enacted on the payment due.

  • Late fees are about 5% of monthly payments in most scenarios, with a few exceptions.

  • Late fees are not applied immediately upon missing an installment. In most states, they are applied five days after the due date. Check the PFA to see the exact details of your customer's late fees.

Can I add multiple emails for the insured?

At this time, only one email is allowed on each program. Adding multiple email addresses will cause all emails sent to be undeliverable.

What do I do if my insured is not receiving Ascend emails?

One of the following things could be happening:

  1. Ascend emails are going to the customer's spam folder. Please have them check their spam folder.

  2. There is a spam filter blocking Ascend's emails from being received in your customer's inbox. Please have your customer add to their contacts list.

  3. The customer's email address was entered into the program incorrectly. Please verify their email on the program's Customer section. Click the Edit button on the right corner to update their email address:

Account Manager Email Notifications

All program-related emails are sent to the user set as the Account Manager listed on the program. To edit this, click Actions > Edit Customer on the program page.

Each email is described below. Visual email flow to insureds on programs:

Processing payment (ACH only)

Sent to the agent immediately after the ACH transaction initiated payment.

Successful Downpayment Email confirmation

Sent to agents to notify that the payment is successful (regardless of payment method).

Failed Payment Notification

Sent to agents when insured to notify them that the payment has failed.

Frequently Asked Questions - Account Manager Emails

Can my team assign multiple people to receive program-related emails?

Currently, only the user is allowed to be the account manager on each program.

I'm not receiving emails about my programs -- What do I do?

One of the following could be happening:

  1. Ascend emails are going to your spam folder. Please check your spam folder.

  2. A spam filter is set up on your email, blocking Ascend's emails from being received in your inbox. Please add to their contacts list.

    1. You may need to contact your IT department to whitelist Ascend's emails.

  3. Another user on your team is listed as the Account Manager of the program.

⚠️ The user listed as the Producer on the program does not receive program-related emails.

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