Create a Program


What You'll Learn

  1. Create a Program

  2. Programs for Existing Clients

  3. Add Multiple Quotes to one Program

Step by Step Instructions

Users with the role type Support User will not have the option to create a new program. Please contact your agency's admin to edit your user type. See more about user roles here.

  1. Begin on your dashboard home screen

  2. Select New Program from the top right corner

  3. You will now be directed to the program creation screen

  4. Select a Producer and Account Manager for the program

  5. Enter the customer's details. If the customer already exists, you will be prompted to select that account from a dropdown. You will be able to select an existing insured entity or add another for that client.

  6. Proceed to enter the Quote Details.

  7. Please attach the quote document to the program

  8. If you have multiple quotes or policies to include, you can add another using add another quote buttons located the bottom and the righthand sides of the page.

  9. When you have finished entering quote information, click Saveprogram to proceed. This action will not trigger the purchase link to be sent to your client.

  10. You will now be directed to the Program Page. From this page you can View, Edit, and Send the purchase link to your client.

  11. To send the link, simply click Send email in the banner at the top of the page

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