PDF Invoice Documents


What You'll Learn

  • How to download a PDF Invoice doc for insured payments

PDF Invoice Documents

Certain insureds and businesses prefer or need a PDF invoice document for settling their payments. You can download these documents to provide them to the relevant parties when necessary. The insureds can also obtain a PDF invoice by downloading it from their payment link.

For Programs with the status Payment due, the invoice-style document is available in the same line as the Send Email option.

This will open a pdf document with a clickable link for the client to pay. This document can be emailed with the clickable link remaining intact.

The invoice doc has the details of the program and payment displayed for the customer, with your agency's branding at the top.


Can insureds receive paper invoices via mail?

No, Ascend only provides electronic invoice documents for insureds to access.

How do I access a monthly installment invoice document?

From the program page, you can find the Payments section. On the right side, you'll see the downloadable invoice arrow. Clicking this Invoice button will open the downloadable document:

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